我们将随时随地为您服务。 使您和您的家人放心。 您不必担心在搬到另一个国家时可能遇到的任何困难,您将能够在法国充分享受您的美好时光。 我们会照顾好一切,尽我们所能帮助您。获得量身定制的建议24/7
由于缺乏适当的文件而导致您的签证或住宿困难是在浪费时间和金钱。 有了您的私人助理,您将很快在我们的陪伴中享受法国!总是有人在你身边
使用SCC,您无需花费数小时研究互联网上的内容。 您的私人助理将在您来法国之前和期间(住宿,银行,学生签证,电话合同)为您整理所有行政手续,以保证您在法国有轻松的生活体验。发展你的网络
会员都是来自法国最负盛名的学校的年轻国际人才。 他们大胆,创新,就像你一样。 他们喜欢结交新朋友并发展自己的人际关系。与此同时,他们也想在法国拥有难忘的岁月。更好地发现这个国家
法国以其丰富的遗产和创新能力而闻名。 通过我们的俱乐部,无论您在法国的哪个地方,您都可以与我们的法国和国际合作伙伴一起获得我们的独家优惠,让您及时了解所有最新趋势。
出国留学很有趣,但是对于您和您的家人来说,考虑到要采取的措施步骤,为您的到来做准备可能是令人沮丧的前景,担心在保管期间不知道该找谁的情况 充分利用您的住宿的渴望。
我们的目标是为每位学生提供令他们感到安全和符合他们需求的资源。 我们的服务旨在确保您在法国,享受最好的生活。
STUDENT CONCIERGE CLUB是第一个为学生提供国际流动性的多合一接待和支持服务
I am interested in the services offered by the Student Concierge Club. I'll be in France for three years for my master's degree. I'll arrive in September and I currently have no idea about the type of services I might require at that point. However, transport seems important to at least figure out, if not arrange …Akriti, India, HEC PARIS
When I arrived in Paris, I knew few international and French students. Joining the STUDENT CONCIERGE CLUB would probably have eased my adaptation and integration in France, and given me access to other nationalities. I discovered it recently and advised friends who will be arriving soon at my School. So I will also be joining the Club to take advantage of its benefits and services …Mei, China, FERRANDI Paris
What is especially interesting about the STUDENT CONCIERGE CLUB is to have a person available who understands you and can find solutions for you quickly, at any time. It's reassuring !Abhishek, India, Skema Business School
I like the idea that with a simple call or email exchange, and depositing your personal documents online, you can find the accommodation you want, and you can also open a bank account with French RIB and IBAN codes even before leaving. It's less stressful. I couldn't have done it alone.Zineb, Bahreïn, ICD Business School
What's great is to be able to prepare my arrival in France knowing that my assistant takes care of everything, even my taxi, and not to be lost in the city. I can also ask my assistant to organise the stay of my family and my friends who will be coming to see me at Christmas. My French isn't very fluent, and it is complicated for me.Kadera, India, EM Lyon
Être membre d'un club privé je trouve cela plutôt génial. Nous n'avons pas fait les mêmes études, mais c'est très enrichissant, et nous pouvons rester en contact et organiser des week-ends ensemble grâce à notre assistant personnel.Koffi, Cote d’Ivoire, AUDENCIA
In my school, there are many student associations, but I didn't know where to go. Joining the STUDENT CONCIERGE CLUB was a real plus for my professional project. I have expanded my network and I participate in events that I would not have had access to otherwise.Peiqi ,China, ISC